CHARACTER RELATIONSKEY | ☩ neutral/unsure | ★ friend/acquaintance | ❤ love | ✘ hate
Karkat Vantas☩
ANGRY LARGE GREY TEXT TROLL WHO HATES EVERYTHING. Cheriour is unsure why Karkat seems to think he's an absolute loser when they haven't even met. Can't we be friends?
Sam Winchester☩
A man who comes from a world where angels have been abandoned by God because He left Heaven and went into hiding. Cheriour still needs to get to know Sam better, but at the moment, he's really sad that such a world even exists.
Another man from Sam Winchester's world. Cheriour doesn't know he's an angel yet, but once he does he will do all the brothering. All of it. Because no angel should deserve to be unloved by God like that.
Euridice Taverna☩
Okay, this girl seems to think that he shouldn't be independent and acting on his own without a summoner because angels are apparently "constructs" in her world. What gives?
Seth Clearwater☩
A young man who could apparently turn into a wolf back home. And he fights with vampires? Cheriour is just so confused over all these mythical concepts becoming real, don't mind him. He's a fellow Heimdall House person, though!
Vriska Serket☩
Another troll like Karkat. She seems to be very sure of herself and very demeaning when it comes to Karkat. Apparently she and the other trolls were like gods in their universe and created the humans? This is confusing.
NAME ☩★✘❤
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