Another day in Toothopolis....another job for.....The CREST fighters!!!

Mar 10, 2009 21:47

A friend was uploading old pictures to her Facebook account, and happened to have this one:

A million years ago (1984, to be exact), we did the Crest fighters for the Comic-Con Masquerade. It was a blast...Patrick (the C) made all the guns, and we had little toothpaste tube jewelry and everything. It was our first entry at a major competition. In the multiple moves over the years, I somehow misplaced any pictures of this group, so I am very happy to get this one. I really enjoyed this costume, but you really had to have everyone to have it make sense, so I didn't wear it much. (I'm the R, in case you didn't guess)

The "Cavity Creep" is Mark, my friend who was on Amazing Race last season. I think he is about 16 in that picture .

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