Aug 21, 2008 00:53
I've finally got it all figured out. I honestly feel like I'm totally clear. I feel like I know what I want, and what I can get and can't get. And I'm actually more than content with that.
I know I'm going to Raleigh to have a total fresh start. I'm actually really happy about it. I'm still terrified and everything, but I am excited. I officially have less than one week left in the Greenbrier Noble, and while that bums me out, an entire new store is exciting.
I can't wait till it starts getting dark earlier in the day. I'm looking forward to coming home after work and fixing a turkey melt, or a bowl of Cap'n Crunch. I can't wait to sit on my couch with my dinner, turn the TV on, and just relax. I'm looking forward to having room in my refrigerator. I'm looking forward to those Wednesdays I have off, when I go get comics and lunch, come home, walk to the laundry room, pop that week's dirty clothes in the machines, and read about worlds far, far away as I wait for them to wash and dry.
I'm still unsure of which comic store I'll want to go to. Part of me wants to go to Capital Comics, because it's downtown. It's this little hole in the wall store, but they have a bunch of cool stuff. Plus, it's downtown, so if it's nice, I could walk down the block or something and maybe grab a bite to eat. I also really like Amazing Fantasy, as it's clean, new, and has tons of action figures and clothes and whatnot. That could also be hazardous to my wallet. We'll see.
I can't wait to be able to see Beth and Josh on a regular basis. I love those two, and it'll be fun hanging out with them on random days off. They're great peoples.
And I will look forward to coming home. I still want to see a lot of people that are still here, some more than others. Some more than them. I'll be nice to have going to my parents' more of a big deal. Sure, I love going there now and seeing them, but I also really like the idea of coming home and knowing they'll be there, as it'll be pre-planned. So many times have I just wanted to pop-in and no one's home. We're all busy, I guess.
Still not sure how holidays are going to be. Chances are I won't be able to get up here for Christmas. If I'm off on Christmas Eve, I might drive up, and just leave Christmas Day. I don't know how traffic is on the actual day of Christmas. I'm sure it's a lot worse on the day after, but I'm sure it'll still be major. Same goes for Thanksgiving, too. I think that'll be the hardest time for living down there. I've spent every single Christmas and Thanksgiving with my parents. I guess that's all part of growing up.
I'll end this with saying "In The Air Tonight" has the best drum break mixed with a bass line in the history of music.