Comic Book Wednesday is my favorite day of the week. I had a semi-big week.
Justice League: New Frontier Special (pictures above)
X-Force #2
Cable #1
Logan #1 (of 3)
Green Lantern #28
I've read all of them except for GL28. I'm currently catching in GL, so that one is on hold. The New Frontier Special was a fun read, but not as big in scope as the original story. Logan was great, but when you've got Brian K Vaughn writing, and Eduardo Russo doing the art, I mean, come on. I got the B&W version, which I thought was really cool they released it. X-Force and Cable were ok, but I may drop them.
Not too much has been going on. I'm not going to Wizard World Chicago. That really fucking sucks, but it's what's got to happen. I'm still going to HeroesCon, which I was kind of more excited about. It sucks there won't be as much Bendis Boarders there, but it'll be a smaller con, so it'll be more laid back. Plus, with the money I'll be saving, I might be able to splurge and get a sketch from Ethan Van Sciver. His sketches are $100 for a head shot, but seriously
Pat Loika, the best man on Earth, got these...A framed Green Arrow hanging above my couch would be something fucking awesome.
I guess that's all for this entry. Hope everyone is good.