!DS&Updates: Secret Shop, Dear Celine, Infanta, Loris

Apr 25, 2011 03:05

Feedback on eglfeedback in here.

Secret Shop

Large Sized Secret Shop Tea Party Shoes
size 27.5cm has been confirmed. The supplier is arranging  manufacturing of a pair of samples shoes(Black size 26.5cm) lately and they will be sent off to a customer located in Sweden/Australia.

Also, a few regular sized Tea Party Shoes are now available to reserve(in 10 colourways, 4 sizes). There will be about 5 batches of stock come in afterwards.

The VM Short Boots Replica pre-order/group order will be open soon.        
      - Available in Wine, Brown and Black(all solid colours). Brown shade hasn't been confirmed yet.       - Sizes will be 22.5cm, 23.5cm, 24.5cm and 25cm. 25.5cm, 26.5cm & 27.5cm hasn't been confirmed yet.      
     - A pair of sample boots will be manufactured during the pre-order/group order and will take photos of them and send them off to one of the customers first.

(More Secret Shop Shoes Pre-Order will be open soon)

Dear Celine

Dear Celine Rose Lace Long Sleeved Peter Pan Blouse
Dear Celine Rose Lace Ribbon High Collar Blouse

Dear Celine Spring Singing Rose Lace Jacquard High Waisted Skirt
Dear Celine Spring Singing Rose Lace Jacquard JSK
Dear Celine Spring Singing Embroidery High Waisted Skirt

Dear Celine Spring Sweet Candy Check JSK


Infanta Floral Cameo One Piece has been restocked in Blue. It's also now available in Red Stripe. Stock photo of the Red Stripe version will be available soon.

Infanta Black/White Lacy Summer One Piece has been restocked. And the JSK version is also available.

Infanta Victorian Lace Ribbon JSK
Infanta Victorian Long Sleeved Peter Pan Blouse

New Loris Bags

Loris Teacup Shoulder Bag
Loris Teapot Shoulder Bag

Loris Moon Night Story Scalloped Bag

Mint and Pale Yellow, as well as a new brown shade is available. Mint uses better PU fabric and is more expensive. The Yellow in the above Moon Night Scalloped bag is not true to the colour. It's a pale yellow shade and will match with the yellow Secret Shop tea party shoes.

If you have any questions, please use the Contact Form and I will reply shortly. To make an order, please download/fill out the Order Form and email it as attachment to info[at]clobbaonline[dot]com. Thanks~

updates, !ds, secret shop, loris, infanta, dear celine

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