You know, you can blame Christians for a lot, generally up to about the 1600s. Since then, we've evolved. Also, we've come to the understanding that Christ is strong enough to take a few jests, even a few insults, much like the "christ in the urine" of Mapplethorpe fame.
But this
story is nuts.
People defame Christ all the time. Heck, you can call your vibrator Jesus if it makes you happy. I'm not going to spend two seconds thinking about it. Moreso, you could even have a vibrator in the likeness of Christ. I'm still not gonna care, much less take to the streets with weapons and demand your execution.
This is the problem with Islam. Many say it's fanatical Islam, but I've yet to see non-fanatical Islam as the predominance. You know, when Christians go awry, its usually about 20 folks hold up in Idaho or somewhere worshipping Christ with snakes or believing that soon the race war will come and "all the Jews will leave town." Or something like that - I don't get those folks, really. When muslims get onery, it's "thousands" protesting, burning things, blowing up things - anyone every think that maybe Islam needs one great big anger management course?
All this over a freakin teddy bear. And to think - the majority of Arabs in that area somehow share the name of Mohammed. It's a common Arab name.