Dec 04, 2007 06:04
There is a miracle in every moment.
Look closely, and lovingly, and you will clearly see it.
There is an innate and elegant beauty in even the most ordinary of things. Learn to love that beauty, and to let it be, and your eyes will be opened to wondrous possibilities.
There always and everywhere is a quiet yet unyielding peace, upon which rests all that is.
The more often you reach in and touch this peace the more fully you experience its power.
Anything that is negative, deceptive or destructive will eventually consume and obliterate itself.
What is authentic, peaceful and creative will continue to grow more pervasive.
When you need nothing other than to simply be, you have every beautiful and wonderful and miraculous thing there is.
Life's richness is never more than a single thought away.
Breathe in deeply the beauty, the wonder, the miracle that is now.
Know the joy that cannot ever fade.
-- Ralph Marston