A Dream to Pursue...

Nov 13, 2010 00:32

Veteran's Day thoughts from our local Chabad Rabbi:
Jewish History doesn’t boast of many Napoleons. Instead, we have Prophets who spoke of visions of a future when: “Nation will no longer lift a sword against Nation”, and when “Swords will be turned into Plowshares”, and Peace and Truth will reign supreme throughout the earth. Every one of us is a warfighter! Our mandate is to make this world a better place, to bring the state of our society closer to the realization of such visions - where guns and bombs will become extinct, a thing of the past. How can we do this? By taking the cue from our decorated Veterans, and resolving to make every effort to dedicate our lives to bring about more acts of goodness and kindness. Goodness is contagious. Every one of us can - and must - begin with our own nearby corner of the universe. By acting to increase goodness and kindness, we will slowly and surely make the entire world a better place to live in.
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