Dec 29, 2007 19:42
Has it really been two weeks since I last wrote here? Yikes.
Well, the Christmas season was pretty much as expected--busy. Thank goodness it's over (well, except for the returns). I've been taking a hiatus from writing in general for the holiday season, and I'm finding that I really missed it. I took the time off because this time of year is very stressful for those of us in retail, and I thought that one less thing to worry about would help me concentrate on my *paying* job. I also haven't been on LJ, for much the same reason. The only online thing I really have been doing is playing KoL (for Crimbo stuff), and even that's only been every few days.
But now I'm back. I haven't got a topic right now, but I'm sure I'll think of something in the next day or two.
Later, gators!