Community Awareness (and NBC mini-rant)

Jan 22, 2010 02:56

First off, I'm talking about the TV show, Community on NBC. (I wish they would've chosen something less general and web-related. Same goes for Avatar... the Last Airbender not the James Cameron blue cat movie. But that's a complaint for another day.)

Well, I don't know if it's been two weeks or not but I should probably post something and here it is: anyone who sees this and likes smart, funny sitcoms should start watching the show 'Community' on NBC. That's literally the only show I'm watching on NBC besides Conan O'Brien and after next week it'll be the only show which makes me sad. (Yes, I'm Team Coco.

The cast is hilarious, the story lines have been promising so far, and the idea of a community college as the setting really appeals to me because I was so close to going to a community college before I got accepted into something better. I can only hope that it's got enough ratings so it won't be canned by NBC (then again, their ratings have been so low and they're so desperate for new shows to fill their soon-to-be-empty 10 o'clock spot, I shouldn't worry too much about this show.)

Anyway, Community: watch. Please. Probably on if you're a die-hard Team Conan fan. Or download episodes if you don't live in the states.

If I can't convince you, perhaps this awesome fanvid can? (Now how do I do a Youtube link...? To the FAQs!)

La Biblioteca Spanish Rap remix

community, team conan

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