Finally! My first Supernatural post!

Dec 21, 2011 19:10

And it's because of my participation in a little fanfic/fanart challenge.

Okay, so I kinda crack ship Castiel and Sam. I don't really ship anyone on the show (least of all slash) but there's something about Castiel and Sam that really tickles my something or other... I think part of it is how fun and goofy the actors are and how they play serious roles, plus they don't seem to get much screen time together and poor Sam doesn't get any kudos from the angelic side of the continual apocalypses. I friendship and crackship them so I looked into what the LJ SPN fans call a "bang" which is basically a fanfic and possibly fanart writing challenge (they have something call a "bigbang" for gigantic multi-chapter fics! I've yet to check them out but I will sometime soon, hopefully.)

Well, I couldn't go for something huge like a bigbang but I saw this "sassy minibang" and the name just made me grin plus it was Sam related and I'm such a Sam fangirl so I said to myself I had to participate in this; especially since the Sam/Castiel pairing is so underrepresented and I may have said in some post way back when that I'm all about the underdog ships.

The Sassy minibang is located here and I entered as an artist, making sure to pick the most gen story I could (there was maybe two others that were a bit more general and friendly but they were taken quick! But if they weren't taken I would've never got to meet and work with my wonderful writing partner, whose story my fanart accompanies.) Said writing partner is theblackrose16 and it was such a blast working with her (she actually made me a Gabriel fan all over again!)

So yeah, any SPN fans reading this, go check out the Sassy minibang and if possible, I would love suggestions for other fanfic/art challenges in the Supernatural fandom (though I should probably mention that I would strongly prefer a general challenge, not ship specific like Sam/Dean and especially not fics with the real actors or as I understand it "RPF". Thank you.)
Also, any comments on my fanart is total sugar plum grade sweetness!

Without further rambling on, this is the main banner I made:

omg sassy!, my fanart, supernatural

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