11/11/11 (The calender is number 1 - twice in each line!)

Nov 12, 2011 00:03

It's two minutes after midnight making me technically incorrect but damn it, I'm still posting this!

Not since January have I felt so needlessly amused about the same numbers coming together in a row when written for the calendar. And that's written in European time (with Day/Month/Year) as well as American time (with Month/Day/Year).

I've checked what I wrote the previous time there were many ones in a row and it was my New Year's resolution. Wow. Well since it's near the end of the year, let's see how far I've gotten:

- Post once a month?
I was doing real well for the first half of the year. Then the school months started rolling in and I just dropped the ball. And I don't even go to school anymore so I don't have that as an excuse. It was just sheer procrastinating laziness and blah. I swear, as soon as I figure out what niche this would cover, I'll be good (I do episode comments on a specific, general forum site and I post my fanfics on a specific, general fanfiction site. I've been thinking of getting a tumblr to post my fanarts.)

- Add to my friends' list?
I know I've added at least one LJ community as a "friend" recently. Hmm, I don't think I've added individual users but when I rarely visit this LJ, it's to be expected. A lot of journals with considerable comments seem to offer something interesting like fanfic or fanart or actually fun episode/movie commentary. But as I said in the previous question I kind of do that on other sites so... I'll have to work on this.

- Graphically/artistically improve this LJ?
I actually *did* do this! And much sooner than I expected. Instead of the regular default, I went to the pre-picked examples and got me this cheery peachy/orange theme. I think I'd have to have a paid account or something if I want something in the header but I'm still not 100% sure (the FAQ's aren't clear on that.) If anyone reads this and knows for sure, let this poor soul know!

In any case, hopefully everyone enjoyed 11/11/11 day. I'm surprised other people on the news were excited and curious about this number pattern. Not since June 6th, 2006 have people put so much unneeded superstition on a date. I can't wait until December 12th next year; especially since we're due for some Mayan level apocalyptic frenzy.

random thoughts

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