Last minute March posting

Mar 31, 2011 23:16

I nearly forgot about my promise to post at least once a month so here I am, on the last day of March less than an hour to midnight, thinking of what to post for my monthly, um, post. Since tomorrow is April's Fools Day I was originally thinking about trying to make some kind of stupid post to pull a prank of people who view this thing but who am I kidding? Like three people view this thing and I'm not a big fan of practical jokes anyway. At least not online - they don't convey nearly as well than when done in person.

I am however wondering about what kind of little pranks Google, Youtube, and a bunch of other sites will plan to do. Anyone wanna bet one of those annoying viral videos will be linked on Youtube? (that 'Friday' song has been in my head ever since I heard about it on the 'Colbert Report'. Read up on it a little and I'm already annoyed by the supposed singer.)

Oh, and off topic, while reviewing my previous post (all the way back in Valentines Day!) I wanted to amend two things:

1) Henry and Abby would've been perfect in an alternate world where, in addition to him not being psycho, they weren't related. (Though I think there have been a few ships out there where the pairing were half siblings or at least step siblings). BTW, in the U.S, if you have digital cable or whatever cable that carries the Chiller channel, 'Harper's Island' is "premiering" there on April 11th at 10 pm. I think I'll re-watch the miniseries and re-live the crazy horror. It may provide fodder for summary posts and personal thoughts on it. Man, I sure did hate that creepy little girl and her shrill mother.

2) As long as I'm talking about Chiller, I'll say I've been watching 'Buffy: The Vampire Slayer' every Sunday on that same channel (saw that they were gonna air 'Harper's Island' during a Buffy commercial break) and I do believe Willow Rosenberg and Daniel "Oz" Osbourne has beat out Willow and Xander as my new favorite pairing. Oz in particular has won me over; Seth Green rocks! Interestingly enough I'm kinda lukewarm on the titular character's love life. Three years of Buffy and Angel and I wouldn't say I'm fawning over them. I mean, they're nice and I don't mind their tragic romantic angst but I'm glad I read about Angel's spin-off so I didn't get too invested in them. Here's hoping Buffy's season 4 love interest will get me more interested.

buffy the vampire slayer, harper's island, random thoughts, shipping

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