It's October! ... Yeah, I got nothing.

Oct 04, 2010 03:08

Trying to find something worth posting on here is really hard to do. Especially when I'm a major procrastinator by nature. So... I don't know what to post. I guess I could talk about what I've been doing lately.

TV wise I've been obsessing over Community on NBC. In its second year and the show is still as funny and quirky and wonderful as last year. I'm also keeping tabs on the CBS show How I Met Your Mother. It's been going downhill for a good season or so but I'm pretty stubborn when it comes to shows. Especially after investing so much time and wondering who the heck the mother will turn out to be in the sitcom.

After quitting CSI and CSI:Miami for a year or two, I've decided to check out CSI again. Mainly because I heard Jorja Fox is being brought in as a regular cast member again. And Grissom is no where in sight. Very promising (I can at least dream that Sara gets with Greg now that she's joined the night shift.) CSI: Miami I'm not as sure about... not a fan of Calleigh and Delko's little relationship. I might check out the first episode but if it gets too melodramatic, I'm out again.

Speaking of melodramatic, my other obsession is the creepy, cool CW fangirl attractant, Supernatural. That has filled the X-Files sized hole in my heart that I had never thought would be filled after watching the second movie. *sigh* Seriously though, this show ratchets the angst to levels I haven't experienced since the Scully cancer arc. And as this is the rumored final season of Supernatural I think I'll try and get involved with the LJ fandom on this. Maybe write fics or make fanart or something.

Well, for a post that started at pretty much no where I sure did write a lot. Looks like I know what I'll try and focus on this year. Hopefully Community's crazy humor will balance out the apocalyptic angst of the Winchester brothers. In fact, my next post will totally deal with my feelings on Supernatural.

Now to get me some fangirl friends...

csi, community, random thoughts, supernatural, television, the x-files

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