Well, time for something new

Jan 27, 2006 08:37

I'm publishing my ban list. It's cut, so you don't have to look, if you don't want to. There will be reasons for each ban, so you can ban them too, if you find the reason good enough.

Ah, madincleveland, how I miss thee. Your intolerance of my choice of philosophy, your assertations that I'm going to Hell, and your bad spelling and grammar. Oh wait, I don't miss you at all.

Hmm. This one I'm not sure about. I think he/she/it is a troll, based on the lack of content of posts, inability to read simple instructions, and poor spelling and grammar. I tend on the side of paranoia though, so I've set a ban. You do as you feel.

This was set on the asertion of plasmadragon, that this person is a troll. I'm trust him, so I set the ban. You may want to investigate first.

Again, plasmadragon said this person is a troll. I trust him, but you may not.

*sigh* See above :P

Need I say it? plasmadragon

Ah yes. You. The lovely person with no spelling, no grammar, no clue, and no indication of getting one. Banned.

Hmm. I think this was the person with the lovely icon of a pokemon drinking urine. Nice 'lil troll, nice 'lil ban.

Again, this ban was on plasmadragon's say-so. Your mileage may vary.

To set bans, go to the Admin Console, and enter the following commands (edit as you prefer):

ban_set madincleveland
ban_set wichtdragon
ban_set bookofthedamned
ban_set ___prfctlj4evr2
ban_set bandefurz
ban_set 0____pedophiles
ban_set connor_oberst
ban_set i_eat_furries
ban_set lol_furries

Click 'execute'. Then you're done.

friends only

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