Nov 29, 2004 22:20
Ok, I havent updated in a while, so I guess I'll update. This past week, Wed- Sun I was in CC, I didnt get to see a few people *You know who you guys are!!:)* but I got to see my baby and my Amanda. so that was nice. I had a really nice time in CC! Wednesday night, Philip and I got back to his house and we just went upstairs and watched a bit of tv then went to bed, I woke up ass early waited 2 HOURS for him to wake up, he was in his room, i stayed in Bryans room, who was otu of town for the week. So he finally wakes up and It's Thanksgiving! SO we get ready, then head over to his gramma's . Which both she and her husband, his grandpa, are HILARIOUS, and cute. so we stayed over there a while, watched iRobot, which is a lot better than I ever thought it would be. I'd watch it again. So then his dad hounded us to go out side for a total of 3 min to just sit there and listen to he and philip's grandfather talk about politics and football, whihc we're both not interested in, not for a conversation piece, anyway. So we go back inside, watch the rest of the movie, then head on over to Amanda's. Hayley was there, She ate dinner w/ amanda and her family beuase her mom wasnt makign a Thanksgivng dinner because itwas only the 2 of them. Shortly, hayley left. then came back to pick up amanda then they hit up Amanda's dad for some green. Got it, came back home , smoked a joint and I drank 4 of my 6 schmirnoffs nad philip drank one of amandas beers so i traded her a beer for a schmirnoff so 5 of 6 were gone, NO idea where the other one went. Oh well, Iwas drunk,and then i got stoned. Philip actually smoked with me!!!! It was sooooo funny seeing him hit the joint I was like "what...the fuck.." IM sure I was staring at him all goofey cause it made me so happy and i was, well, stoned off my ass and drunk. So he was all high, but he was no where near as fucked up as me, then agin, he only drank one beer i think. I duno. so then we had to go home, philip told me he'd never smoke again:( Whatever. Psh. So then next day, we go to On the Border, we get full, and I take some home. We drive around for a while looking for something to do. WE went down Ocean dirve cause I wanted to see it then we were gonna go Ice Skating but we didnt feel like waiting around til it opened so we just went home then didnt leave til like 7 30 then hung out w/ amanda for a while. Then came home ,watched tvand slept. Next day, we dont wake up til 12 then we go over to Nicks and watch some Roosevelt or something like that movie, which was pretty good from what I gathered, then philip had a chiropractor appt at 3 so we headed over there at 2 30 then he went in and i got a discount so I decided to go too, might as well, right? Then we met up with Derrick and Nick and went to the beach so Derrick and Nick could go surfing and philip had a 20 we had to drink but it was way cold so Philip nad i just stayed in the car, i tried drinking but I guess i wasnt in a drinking mood and i couldnt even drink a whole beer, it was horrible. lol Same w/ Philip. well he drank like 2. so then we're all cold we get bored casue Nick and Derrick were following us out of the island and i said I washungry so philip got hungry too tehn we went to Amandas work adn she got us half off and Nick and derrick went and did somethings, then we met up at KPs Apt complex and chilled in the Hot tub w/ our beers for a while. Then we went to Amandas and Philip wouldnt let me smoke, after i had explained ot him before i came down that i was going to smoke w/ amanda., not just w/ him that one time, he still got all pissy, and it pissed me off that he'd pull that on me. I m not saying weed is my life, but i mean, Amanda and I enjoy smoking together. Like shes the one person Id chose to smoke w/ if i had a choice, and it was my last night, Who KNOWS when ill get to see her next, and he pulls that on me? PISSED ME OFF. So im mad in the car and whe nwe get home i wouldnt talk to him,its just the principle, not the actual weed thing, and he goes into my *Bryan's* Room and im tyrign to get my clothes ready for bed so I can take a shower and hes getting in my way saying "im sorry baby, Im sorry, i really am" then im like "Yeah wahtever, then you wouldnt have pulled taht shit on me" and he was like "yeah I know, im sorry" then i took a shower,and i got over it since it was my last night and i dindt want to not spend time w/ him over that. Just wanted to be mad long enough to prove my point. HIs mom always makes us go to bed early thats why all we do when we come home is watch like 30 min of tv if that adn then go to bed. so that happened again. Next morning is the morning I leave back to CC. Supposed to wake up at 8 and be out by 10 but we didnt wake up and get ready til 9 55 and we were on SPID by 10:24. We got to SA at 12 Then we hung around in the Forum for a while then we came to my house cuase itwas like 3 and he had to be home before dark. He had wanted me to do his eyebrows so i was like ok and he was like "jsut get rid of all the scragglies" and iwas like "ok?" and if you know philip, he has like triangular eyebrows, so I wasl ike up here?? adn I tapped it w/ the tweezers, adn he was like "yeah just all the scragglies" wellllllllll, they werent like perfect so I DID get all teh scragglies just so happens his scragglies like to form a triangle. So, no more triangle eyebrows. It was hilarious, but i flet so bad he was like "AHHHHH" lol I wasl ike "ddi you not want that gone?" And he was like "Well they've always been there, so no." nad iwas like "uhh....' lol THEY DID NOT LOOK BAD. I SWEAR TO YOU. they look nice. but i still felt bad cause i misunderstood what he wanted me to do :( Sorry babe. lol so then a lil later he left and it was sad. I hate leaving him , having to shut the door knowing hes only feet away then in a few hours having that bomb dropped on me that hes 120 miles away, when just hours earlier he was right outside my door. It's so hard. I love him so much. It was hard leaving Amanda ,too, I cried. Today I was fine at work ,went in just fine, then all of a sudden i got sooo sick like i felt so horrible, i threw up 2 times and it was hard to stand up, so i worked 4 hours today, instead of my usual 7. Now I gotta make that up, GREAT! So i came home showered ,rested for al il bit, helped my oma w/ the tree and get stuff out of the shed, somehow, cause i was damn sick, and I still kind of am, but i feel A LOT better htan i did earlier today, but it still sucked. so I unpacked my stuff from CC after that and straightened up my room then i went to the store to get my cousin a bday present cause we're going ice skating on saturday for his bday, That should be fun:) He's 9, people. then came back home, set teh table, ate my sushi for dinner while everyone else had ham and eggs (bleck!) then got online and looked up colleges adn used car lots. If anyone knows a good used car lot here in SA, will you comment and let me know? Im in the 15-2500 pricerange,Nothing fancy,. just to get me around. We're supposed to be moving quite soon actually, for real this time ,haha so I wanna hve wheels if i need em, ya know? My aunt paula and Cousin Tommy are coming down for Xmas.Im so happy!! 3 weeks. I odnt get to see either of them very much i havent seen my aunt paula in about 5 years, no joke, and im really close to her, but she lives in Washington so yeah, then my cousin Tommy i get to see him once a year, If Im lucky cause we're usually not in town when he is, but now that we live here I'll get to see him wheever he comes down:) He lives in New York. well im gonna go ahead and go Philip wants to call before my OMa goes to bed , byeeeeee:)