Sep 23, 2005 21:04
Its been so long since I have updated, I mean, months.
Lets see whats REALLY going on---uhm, not shit--ohkay, so a lot of people would say yeah right to that if they saw it. Truthfully, it was a long ass summer for me. Didn't get a job until February-I managed the cell phone department of Wal-Mart-it sounds shitty, but I made mad money and got mad over time. Plus, I now own like, 25 shares of WallyWorld, so it all turned out well. I worked there until uhm, the end of May. Mike left on May 2nd for basic and my world like crashed. I swear, it is so depressing to know that I am physically, mentally and emotionally (not to mention sexually) dependent upon him. I didn't see him until June 16th. On June 17th (or 18th-his 21st bday) we concieved our first child. So, yes, I am pregnant. 16 weeks to be exact. Uhm, like the last week of May someone broke into our house and stole a pos tv and our surround sound and our dvd/vcr combo and a gamecube. WTF. They bypassed a computer a nice tv, an xbox and like a million movies and games. So yeah, it was someone I knew. It turned out to be Ashely's Mom. She was like on a crack binge or some shit. So now Ashley and I aren't friends because I am sending her Mom's ass to prison-where she belongs. We got back our surrond sound, but the dvd player is totally fucked and the tv was shitty anyway. I pretty much spent my summer here in Ventnor and spent some time at my Dad's in Delaware, wasn't exciting. I get to go see Mike every weekend (almost) because he is doing his technical training in Maryland at Ft. Meade. It's nice to get to see him and I honestly crave him most of the time. :) I was a good girl for the summer, which is great considering I didn't find out I was pregnant until July 2nd. Poor Mike, he screws me one time in seven weeks and he knocks me up. Heh, its not a bad thing though, our pregnancy was planned if you consider the decision to stop taking birth control planning pregnancy. Sunday I will be married for one year, heh, Mike and I have been apart for almost five months now! Amazing isn't it? I find out if the baby is a boy or a girl on Tuesday--I know it's a boy though, I can feel it!!
We're moving to CA on October 20th :\ I am not excited about that. i mean, going there will be great considering the fact that it is California and we'll only be an hour from Los Angelos. But I will be 2900 miles from my family. And, I will have the baby there. I will be so depressed if Mike gets deployed while we are there. Yanno, I know the soldiers are the brave ones and they get the guns and fight the war and all that, but no one realizes how HARD it is for their WIVES. Everyday I worry that they could take Mike. And yeah, he joined KNOWING that he will go to war, but it's different now, I'm pregnant with his child and I just couldn't take it if anything happened to him. I would die. I am so dependent upon him for survival it isn't funny. I'm serious, I didnt talk to him for like, three weeks while he was in basic and I almost died. I got so depressed I didn't move from the bed, I wouldn't eat and I didnt shower for ATLEAST a week. I quit my job, I moved out of our house, I stopped being responsible. I am so engrossed in him its not funny. I havent see him in three weeks, but I talk to him everyday. I'm going to see him tomorrow, but funds are tight, so our anniversary might not be all that. But, I don't care. I love him and being with him is all I need. My ass is going numb and the baby is kicking me, gtg get some water or something. will write soon.