Feb 04, 2010 13:38
Wow - I'm so confused!
Things that bother me about Chris:
1. He doesn't answer his phone
2. He smokes (well, this doesn't bother me so much if we do it together)
3. He has a really short attention span
4. He seems a little cold sometimes.
5. He's kind of an attention whore a little bit.
Things I like about Chris:
1. He hot.
2. He does stay in contact and follows through on plans (like 95%)
3. I am able to feel comfortable around him.
4. He makes me feel special.
5. He lets me stay with him in Asagaya
6. We make lots of plans for the future and we do them.
Okay - one thing that worries me is that I haven't seen that one certain look I saw when I first met him. Was that just cuz he was drunk?
I don't know...
I think that if it were to happen, I could very easily spend years and years with him. I don't know though. I think I feel conflicted cuz he kinda pissed me off last night cuz I was freezing and he still woudln't answer his fucking phone.
Tonight is another night. We'll see what happens.
I feel like I'm kinda wasting my time by not figuring out for sure whether or not he could possibly be interested in me. Cuz I've kinda been holding off on other possibilites until I figure out what's going on with him.
May be he's holding back for the same reasons I am? And plus he does technically have a bf. But on the other hand, he spends his weekends with me! It's pretty confusing. But maybe he's a bit confused himself.
One thing that's definitely different this time around is that I don't feel like I have to take care of him. But I'm realizing more and more that I know so little about him, still. I think I got over the infatuation phase pretty quickly this time. We're always just joking around and I don't think either of us knows each other very well. That's another reason we may both be being careful.