
Aug 13, 2008 11:19

This weekend was Otakon.  It was supposed to be a fun awesome time where I would take pictures of nerds (including myself), steal things from the dealers room, and end it all with a trip to the Baltimore Aquarium with my love Jackie.  Sounds good right?


All Thursday I felt great.  On the car ride to school I felt great.  On the train ride to Cara's house I felt great.  Just as we were getting into the car to head for Baltimore, I start puking.  Violently.  This was total balls by the way and when we finally got me into the car and on the way to Baltimore I decided to have Cara drop me off at my moms house, which is kinda awkward since I moved out of there last weekend to get away from the raging alcoholism and troubles of the world.  So now I'm at home with severe stomach pains and vomiting missing this amazing Otakon.

On Saturday I go to see my doctor and he informs me of a few things.  I have a sinus infection but it's unrelated.  fuck yeah.  I haven't taken a shit in maybe 5 days.  I don't know how he realized that before I did but it made sense.  He said he wanted to do bloodwork but decided against it.  I got antibiotics for the infection and I had to drink an entire bottle of magnesium citrate.  This was supposed to mae me feel better so I drove up to Baltimore figuring that maybe I can catch the last day of the convention and go to the aquarium.

Wrong again.

I get up there and immediately start shitting and puking my brains out.  The next morning is the same thing, and I eventually decided I was just gonna drive home, which upset Jackie to no end.  I'm not gonna go into detail for the ride home but lemme just say I barely made it and so did Jac.  There was also this bigass monsoon and hail and shit it was pretty scary.

So I've been sitting around for the past few days with horrible stomach pains.  I haven't eaten since thursday because every time I try to eat I throw it back up.  I quit my job at Best Buy because my doctor said that it could all just be stress related and I may have a stomach ulcer, which would make sense what with everything happening these days.  I'm gonna wait until thursday and if I'm not better by then I'm getting bloodwork and an MRI.  This is a great way to top off a super shitty summer, which turns out to be my last summer ever anyway.

Oh, and my game froze last night after going through an annoying fucking puzzle maze and beating a very difficult boss.  It freezes in the goddamn cutscene before the save point and I was so mad I threw up again.

total shit

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