«Что делать?» и «Кто виноват ?»

Dec 13, 2016 17:46

Eternal Russian questions: «What is to be done?» and «Who is to blame?» are burning in the mind of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. He believed - like everybody else did - that M-me Secretary would win the American election. Who could have thought that an innocent exercise in weakening the future President would backfire so badly? Instead of the miserable madam with soiled reputation, the hapless Putin must now deal with a strong President who does not care in the least about his reputation but will have all three branches of the government solidly behind him. «What is to be done?» has no answer. Go hang yourself, Mr. Putin.

Perhaps, we can help with the other question, «Who is to blame?». It looks like Mr. Putin himself is guilty of - worse than a crime - a mistake... or a miscalculation? Some say yes, others say no, but let us be resolute about it. Putin is no gentleman. He is capable of spying on an old woman. Worse of all when he finds dirty linens, he exposes them to the innocent deplorable public. Mr. Obama did not do that to Frau Merkel. Further, Putin has dared to spy on a decrepit national committee, again finding dirty linens and again making them public. Tell us you didn't do that, Mr. Putin, or else we shall seriously consider slapping you on the wrist. This is worse than Crimea - this is Crime Against Progressive Humankind !

Who else is there to blame? Somebody in the present US Administration must be responsible for cyber-security. Find who that person is, Mr. Obama, and punish her. Putin or no Putin, our cyber-security has been compromised and the dirty linen exposed. Blame #1.

Oh yes, those dirty linens originated with somebody. Who soiled them? Ascertain blame #2 but pardon her, Mr. Obama! For the good of the Nation. Don't let that guy lock her up.

Mr. Putin? Oh, he is no gentleman, we already know that. Son of a bitch dares to spy on the unsuspecting and unprotected Americans! He is certainly guilty even if proven innocent. Blame #3.

Mr. Trump? Eh, hmm-mm, what did he do?

стоп пуйло, us politics

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