I bought the Blu-ray version of the 1995 BBC miniseries "Pride & Prejudice" a little while ago. They did an excellent job of the transfer.
Take a look at Elizabeth Bennet's first glimpse of Pemberley:
Just to be completely fair, these are not actual Blu-ray stills. Rather, they're stills from an mkv down-encoding of the Blu-ray. But they're of sufficient quality as to demonstrate the amazing difference the new transfer makes. All the colours have been corrected. As well, the soundtrack is much clearer - you hear things you never heard on the DVD.
I'd give this Blu-ray a 9/10 -- I took one off because the dark scenes were too grainy. But I suspect this to be the fault of the equipment and film that was used during original filming, not of the Blu-ray transfer; you can't make it better than the original film, after all.
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