Jul 12, 2010 20:03
I've been wanting to listen to Crash Test Dummies all day, and now ♥
I cannot crack my knuckles, cross my eyes, or whistle (I'm working on this one, so I'm getting there). Just thought you might want to know... I was thinking about this earlier at work if you're wondering where that came from.
I'm liking this whole having a phone that has internet that works. Now I have something to do on my break at work, other than Pokemon.
Was supposed to go to Ai-kon this weekend, but I'm not anymore. Maybe next year I guess, though I was kind of looking forward to it (the not spending money is kind of reassuring though). Ah, right, may as well say I will be MIA for the most part the 9th of August to the 15th of August, as I'm going away for the week, and will hopefully be buried in awesome multicultural food at the same time.
Seems I slept on my right hand all night the other night. It's really hard to try to shut off an alarm clock when you can't feel anything, and you don't feel like opening your eyes.
I'm somehow saddened the last dramas I got excited about (and the only ones this year) are Kaibutsu-kun and Troubleman, Kaibutsu-kun more though, because Ohno dramas are a great weekness. Ah, I want to watch the stageplay again.
device; volbeat,
convention; ai-kon,