Today at work was interesting. Went all too fast. Also, there is a writers' festival at the University this weekend, and I've heard a speaker in the past. I love authors because they are quite amusing usually. Anyways, it's an Aboriginal Writers' Festival just for informational purposes. Some of them came into my work to eat today, and when I was handing out their food they asked if they could have a bucket and lid. I'm kind of curious when this request occurs because there are random scavenger hunts that occur in some social groups in town, and they seem to need buckets for that, so I asked. Their response was, "We're from the writers' festival and we need a cultural artifact for our presentation." Quite giggle worthy I must say, and not giggle worthy in a bad way. I love it when people poke fun at their own cultural backgrounds, and it makes everyone feel more comfortable. Those were the greatest people I met all day.
I've noticed that nail files and emery boards (which are practically the same thing) make me uncomfortable, and it's weird. I can't stand the things, when I see them my fingers twitch like crazy, and I hear the sound they make, even if they aren't being in use. It's even worse when I'm talking to someone and they start using it. To me it is worse than nails on a chalk board even though the sound is almost non-existant. Probably a good thing I don't get my nails done (though I don't really need to, they shape nicely naturally, I have naturally good cuticles, so nothing needs to be done there, and they are fairly strong) as I'd probably freak out if I saw those things. Ah, I can't stand them!
Seems I have a sudden interest in Kanjani8. I started watching their programs, and the eito ranger skits... Ah, they are quite funny! They are officially rated in second place on my list of Johnny groups. Arashi has first, and I like Ryo more when he is with them. Because of the Kanjani stuff though, I've ended up listening to the same song the whole night because it's been on so much stuff.
This is the song:
Click to view
Ah, it's stuck in my head.
On that note I was singing
NYC for three hours at work.
Off to sleep. I work at 9.30...