This is me, pimpin' a goth/fetish nightclub. T.T.'s? I MOCK YOU NOW. *mock mock mock*
Sin-O-Matic (link might be slightly NSFW for peoples in fetishwear)
1254 Boylston ST
Boston, MA 02215
Always the third Saturday of each month; doors open at 10:00PM.
$7 10-10:30PM
$10 10:30 to close
Dress code: All black at the minimum. We encourage creativity. Ex: fetish, latex, cyber/industrial, goth, uniform, vinyl, schoolgirl, kinky lingerie, glam, kinky drag, ultra-formal. ABSOLUTELY no blue jeans, sneakers, or sportswear / streetwear.
So, okay. For those of us mourning the death of ManRay, we've thus far wandered over to T.T. the Bears
Xmortis Goth Nights, which... while not BAD per se, are Not Awesome. IMHO, they're waaaay too small, too crowded, and the music frankly blows. And? Friday nights = work-week hangover. Just all over Meh.
A few peoples started poking me to try out
Sin-O-Matic, and a friend went, and had lovely words to say (here paraphrased):
The space is lovely - it's held at the same space as the RamRod, downstairs. Nice sized dance floor, a lot more seating, three bars, and just generally a lot more room to walk around and not feel crushed. There are blocks for dancers, and a stage for a floor show. Just a much better venue in every possible way. [...] It's over on Boylston street, right next to Fenway. So, T accessible, and plenty of event parking nearby for $6 or $10.
...Really. Truly. I went Saturday, and had an absolutely LOVELY time.
It had perhaps as many people as the
Xmortis nights, but spread over two to three times the space. Three bars (that do NOT water down their drinks, wut), LOTS of seating (and several quiet little seating areas around the bars, where people can sit and chill after dancing), the dance floor was spacious with fun lighting, and OMG THE MUSIC WAS SOOOOOO MUCH BETTER. I cannot even express it, so I must flail.
Also? The population seemed... nicer. People of many different ages/shapes/dress styles, more smiles than sneers, people rockin' out happily rather than angrily, etc. Just a MUCH better vibe than
Xmortis, and it made my newbie experience that much better.
Also: don't let the
scary-sounding dress code scare you off: there were PLENTY of people in Goth Casual. As my friend noted, The reality is more chill than the promo text - there were several people there in clothing more like club blacks, though most were in goth blacks and there were some folks in drag, or vinyl, and some very interesting fetish gear.
SO. Yes. Sadly, I have plans for the next one (April 17) and Seven Virtues conflicts with the May 15th, date. BUT THAT SHOULD NOT STOP YOU. Go forth, my Best Beloveds, and get yer goth on! :)