*insert witty comment later*

Jun 06, 2013 09:48

Caitlin turned 5 last Friday. I know. Tempus Fugit and all that. Walking her to the bus stop I told her about the day she was born. Seems like only a moment ago.
She's absolutely loving school. There have been a few minor problems, but her teachers and Rod and I are working on them and seeing improvements all the time. Her schoolwork itself is coming along in leaps and bounds. To think she went to school not knowing how to read or write and now she's reading picture books to me and signing her drawings with her name. She's 15 months younger than some of the other kindy kids and I did wonder if we did the right thing sending her, but I knew in my heart she could cope and now she's proving it.

I'm on the school P&C as the fundraising coordinator and I work in the canteen once a week. It's great to be a part of such a wonderful school and to see the money raised by activities going to worthwhile things.

I'm also part of the local branch of the Lantern Club (raising money for deaf and blind children) I made 10 dozen scones and assorted cakes and slices last week to help with catering for a local antiques fair. Just been elected Vice President of the club.

Still on the committee of Caitlin's old preschool as well and have just put my hand up to another organisation trying to put together a Expo next year about Simple living-- homemade, handmade, sewing, cooking, sustainable living etc.

Not to mention looking after the house, the family and the chooks, garden etc.

My calendar is chockas and I'm loving it.

Oooh forgot to mention my desire to start sewing little things with an eye to having a stall every now and then at local markets.
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