May 25, 2007 03:07
This is an old post on my blog......Just thought id add it.... I dont mean what i said in the end anymore....I was just angry at the time....
Why does love suck so much?
I mean its great while it last, but when it stops....
Everything stops....
espically if you werent the one who stopped loving.
It hurts so much...
words cannot even begin to describe.
You spend so much time getting to know someone, treating them the way they should be treated...
and for what?
just to get it all thrown back in your face..
Fuck Love....
Why cant people just be who they say they are?
Why do people have to lie?
She used to wonder how people could just fall out of love...
I guess now she knows...
I know they say everything happens for a reason, but whatever this reason is....
It can go fuck itself.
I hadent planned on falling in love, but boy, did it hit me like a ton of bricks....
I just wish it all would go away...
If i could go back in time
i wouldnt have fallen in love...