Jul 08, 2008 08:29
I don't have home phone or internet access now. I also don't have cable or a television, but I won't be getting those. I don't like not having internet all the time. I can't get the radar or weather forecast or current conditions, use a dictionary, map a run or bike ride, etc that I'm used to doing. But the library is about 1.5 miles away and UAH with longer hours is like 3.5. Right now I'm at gramma's which is 16, but I was here anyway to mow the yard. My mom, aunt, and gramma are all on the cell phone plan. On their plan I can get a phone, pretty good phone service, texting, cellular internet, tethering ability so I can use the phone's internet through the computer, GPS (full featured GPS), and more. That is ~$800/yr with the phone and service. It is a 2 year contract. I can afford $70/month now, but I really need to decide how much I need it. I don't yet know if I'll be able to afford it during school. That is 1 FULL day of work. I would need to decide if I care that much about it, but more important is how many full days of work will I have to spare during school? I don't yet know if I'll be able to pay my rent. Mom says she'll help if I can't, but I gotta financially act like I'm on my own even if my full time job of school that doesn't pay keeps me from doing it later.