Title: The Point (aka The Blizzard, the Tie, and the Voice)
Author: desert_neon
Fandom: MCU, The Avengers
Summary: Clint crashes at Coulson's place during a blizzard. The problem is, Coulson already has company. Clint's fine with that until he sees The Tie. And it isn't tied around someone's collar
Rating: Explicit/NC-17
Warnings: None
Word count: 5,119
Notes: Part of the
Indulgence series hosted on Ao3 and Tumblr. It's a collection of prompts I've received on Tumblr, but this one, I felt was long enough to stand on its own.
Based on this
prompt list.
WitchWarren here on Ao3 asked for number 17: having a “friend” over and the other accidentally interrupting.
(See the full notes on Ao3)
Link to the story at Ao3:
The Point (aka The Blizzard, the Tie, and the Voice)