Title: Aw, _____, no.
Rating: PG-13 for language
Pairing: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
Fandom: Avengers, MCU/Hawkeye mash up
Word Count: 701
Summary: Clint has a ridiculous verbal habit. Phil tries not to find it endearing.
Warnings: None
Author's Notes: So I was talking with
Cyanide_Kettle the other day, about Hawkeye’s habit of Aw-ing inanimate objects, and how Phil would be affected when Clint Aw-ed something of Phil’s. I didn’t know what object to use, however, and she suggested his Taser. I loved that idea. So today I sat down to write it . . .
. . . and managed something completely different. Sorry, darling. But I hope you like this anyway?
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