Title: "Blood To Paint Your Lips"
Status: OneShot; complete
Fandom: The Avengers (Movie)
Characters: Loki, Clint
Disclaimer: The Avengers belong to Marvel.
Rating: M
Warnings: unbeta'ed, non-con, mind-control, torture, gang rape (all: non-explicit)
Nothing stirs in the stale air of his little prison cell, the stark light doesn't change, but Clint knows he is no longer alone. He can feel him, long before he catches his reflection in the security cameras lens, like insects crawling underneath his skin, scratching him raw from the inside.
Clint inhales blood and dust and mold, trying to pull his fractured wits together for the looming confrontation. But what he wants is to tear his skin away and pull the feeling out. He wants to take hot showers to burn the invisible filth from his skin.
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