May 19, 2016 10:29
I dreamt that I was going to some kind of movie/awards ceremony with Orin, Eric and David. In front of out seats was a machine. It looked like one of those binocular things they have at some places where you can pay to use them, except it had a large dashboard in front of it and a crank on the righthand side. It was a machine you could pay $1.02 (the two pennies came back out at the end of your experience as souvenirs) to travel to a parallel universe. You put the money in, put your face on the mask/binoculars part, turned the crank, and were taken to a random other reality.
We had a while before the movie, so I suggested we try it. We needed to come right back, though, because the linger you were in the other reality, the harder it became to get back, and after a certain amount of time (the exact amount of which there were varying opinions on) you would be stuck there. I decided to do it anyway, and when I turned the crank, a soothing robotic voice told me that the new universe had an enlarged sun that gave them longer harvests and warmer weather.
We went outside to look at the world, and it had a glowy orange light everywhere. Everything felt weird and off. The people outside were farming, and when I made some comment about needing to wrap it up before winter, they looked at me blankly and asked, "What's winter?"
I suggested we all hurry uo and get back to regular Earth, because I didn't want to be stuck there, so everyone came back inside with me. I was trying to figure out how to get back to our reality, but no one else would listen or focus or help me with the task at hand. They all seemed totally unconcerned that we might get stuck there, as if all parallels were the same to them. Eric and Orin would just kind of shrug and say, "It's whatever!" cheerfully, and David was talking about something else and wouldn't pay attention. I finally just tried putting more money in and turning the crank backwards, but that just took us to a universe where there was perpetual daylight due to have two small, extrmely bright suns.
I started to panic. Eric casually mentioned that he'd found a manual for the machine, which I grabbed and tried to read but couldn't understand. Time was running out to get back to our reality, and I realized that I didn't have any more quarters anyway. I was urging Orin and Eric and David to search their pockets for change, but they seemed annoyed by my panic and kept ignoring me. The faces were burning off the coins in my hand, which I knew meant my window to go home was disappearing. I woke up afraid it had been real and I was now trapped in an alternate world.