Jan 14, 2009 23:06

[01]Do you ever think of what your ex is up to?
In a weird way, I have a hard time even actually beliving Tyler exists now. When I'm forced to confront the fact that he does, it feels really weird. Possibly I am not totally resolved on this issue. :p (Secrets: no, I am not).

[02] Have you ever been given roses ?
Not romantically, although I've been given flowers for music things like Gala and Scholarship Competition. I'm tring to remember what roses were in the silly bracelet corsage thing Tyler gave me at prom... I think it was an orchid although it may have been white roses? Not sure.

[03] What is your all- time favorite romance movie ?
What Dreams May Come. <--YES. Best romance movie ever, hands down.

[04] do you believe in the saying what goes around comes around?
In terms of relationships, I think this is true to a large extent, not for karmic reasons but simply because relationships are about reciprocity.

[05] Who do you want to kiss right now?
Oh, I'll give you one guess, and you will get it right.

[06] Do you want to get married?
Eventually, probably. For some reason I would probably feel unfulfilled emotionally if I didn't get married, even though intellectually I think that's bullshit.

[07] How many kids do you want?
2! My goal is perfect fulfillment of my biological prerogative.

[08] Have you ever discussed marriage with someone seriously?
Kind of? I mean, that was pretty much ALWAYS Tyler's headspace.

[09] What would you do if someone proposed to you tomorrow?
I cannot imagine the situation where somebody was seriously asking that question and they were not certifiably crazy or severely deluded as to my identity.

[10] Do you believe in love at first sight?
nope! That don't even make any sense. Intense attraction and/or sense of connection at first sight, absolutely.

[11] Would you kiss the last person you kissed again ?
I think that technically the last person I kissed was somebody at New Years, so in all probability I wouldn't kiss them again except in a similar situation. But the last person I really kissed, I would kiss again any time he was around me.

[ 12] When did you start liking boys/ girls ?
My first boyfriend was Robbie Schirf (okay, I have no idea how to spell his last name), in preschool. We held onto the rope next to each other when we went on class outings, and we were going to have gummy bears and wine at our wedding. It's been a while since I've told that story!

[13] Do you still love your ex?
The part of me that remains eternally 19 will love him for always. I've decided that there's simply no getting around that.

[14] Do you know someone who likes you?
Kind of. Gawd I miss that boy.

[15] Do you like/ love someone?
You so already know the answer to this question.

[16] Do they know you like/ love them?
*L*, oh yes. Jury's still having deep existential musings regarding the other direction.

[17] Would you kiss someone on your facebook friends?
There are an awful lot of people whom I would kiss, for a given value of 'kiss'. This probably includes a fair majority of my facebook friends. There are probably even quite a few of them whom I would make out with in an appropriate situation.

[18] Where was your last kiss?
Last real, proper kiss was here, in my bedroom.

[19] What do you think about sex?
To be honest I'm a bit hung up about *actual* sex, since my experiences to date have been strange, sporadic, and slightly random. In a general sense I'm for sex. In a specific, subjective sense I'm for it as well, but I am personally banned from having sex in situations where I don't feel entirely comfortable, safe, and loved. It's a thing. :p

[20] Have you ever kissed in the rain?
Yes. It was wet.

[21] Have you ever seen The Count of Monte Cristo?
What the fuck kind of question is this? Also, I think yes. Is that the one with Leo DiCaprio that came out like 10 years ago? And if we're writing a Love Quiz and talking about Leo, why aren't you asking about Titanic, you cliche?

[22] Where do you want to live when you get older ?
Again with the IRRELEVANCE. And ultimately, I'm not really sure about this yet.

[23] What attracts you to a boy/ girl?
Intelligence, Ability to hold one's own in conversation >> Sense of Irony, Wit >> Body type (stocky, curly haired or scruffy) >> Superior literacy, an undefinable balance of good and wicked

[24] When are you planning on having kids?
Years down the road, in all likelihood. I'd like to have a boy and a degree first, at any rate.

[25] Who will you be with on Valentines Day this year?
Question mark?
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