Jan 18, 2007 23:47
willie, my mom's cat that she's had since like a week after her dad died, and even named after him, is gone :/ after some problems with kidney stones and several unsuccessful surgeries, my parents decided to have him put down.
mom was really sad :(
last night she told me "i'm through with cats"
so today i began a devious plot to get them a kitten while they were on vacation, and surprise them with it when they got home. i talked to dad and he was all for it. so when we were heading over there for dinner, we stopped by the animal shelter to check out the kittens they had. the plan was to take a couple pictures, show them to dad, then pick one up tomorrow (since saturday we start housesitting while they're in florida for two weeks).
we found THE PERFECT KITTY, and knew immediately that there could be no other cat. so we adopted him right then, since i knew somebody would grab him up if we waited until tomorrow.
he's such a sweetie... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cuddly!! he's black with a white spot under his neck and a white spot under his tummy... he had a previous owner who had named him Blade, but now his name is Harley and he has definitely found a good home :) when mom saw him, she was like ". . ." but once she held him, and he climbed onto her shoulders, she just headed straight upstairs with him lol after a few hours, you'd think he'd been there his whole life. acts perfectly fine around the dogs, and is SUCH a lap cat... i look forward to playing with him while we're housesitting lol
sadly i don't have any pictures :(
dad was giving me high fives all night lol he is the perfect little kitty for my mom... and his tail is sooooooooo long lol it's awesome. it's like the same length as the rest of his body down to his nose lol
hmm we were going to take the cats with us while housesitting, but i'm pretty sure the kitten has earmites... so i don't think that'll be a good idea...