A Fic...no seriously...

Sep 10, 2006 04:11

Fandom: Lost
Title: Darkness
Rating: Maybe, barely, a PG-13
Pairing: Jack/Kate
Genre: Angst

She grows to love the darkness.

Their lights are constant. Harsh and glaring. And she hates them. She hates their lights.

The lights tell her that she cannot hide, even alone in the steel enclosed cell, her cold prison. She cannot hide, as naked in her cell as she is on the table.

She spends hours in that room, immobile and she hardly breathes. On the table. The lights are burning into her eyes and she has to look away. But on that rare day when the beatings and medicines haven’t taken so much out of her she feels like Kate, she feels like she should. Brave. And for an instant she looks into the lights, and there she finds everything that is awful in the world in their glare. She has to look away and she is no longer Kate.

She thinks it’s ironic that she used to be afraid of the dark. Because she revels in it now. She seeks it. A corner filled with darkness is her only haven when the light of the torch is inches from her eyes. The darkness looks warm and inviting, and as she stares into it she pretends that she cannot feel the knife running across her stomach, or the needle grazing her arm. She is accustomed to the needles, and maybe the medicine will bring her death. And she prays there will be darkness in death.

She closes her eyes for a moment when nobody is watching her, and smiles, for the back of her eyelids are a welcome sight. But she opens her eyes again as she hears Jack’s scream, and she thinks of him under those lights. And she forgets how not to hurt.

She lies next to Jack in the cell, he always sounds ragged and guilty, and she misses his smile. She jumps when the lights turn off. From surprise and joy. She cannot see anything in the darkness and she can finally breathe. She thinks she could smile, and she almost does if not for the thought that the lights will be back. And that thought makes her dizzy with fear. Jack, in all his infinite knowledge, cannot, as much as he needs to, speak to her. He doesn’t know what to say. He wants to take her far away from here, and kiss her and he thinks he might die if she has to cry herself to sleep each night. Instead he circles her thin waist with his arm, pulling her close, and when she breathes he is reassured she is there. They lie in the darkness together, comforted momentarily, and they can almost pretend that tomorrow won’t bring more bruises and slaps. And they hold out hope that tomorrow will be nothing but darkness, because it’s all they have.

fic, lost, jack/kate

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