never a good postom_mantraMay 31 2005, 00:47:40 UTC
fahlahfel. fahlahfel is considered, by most people, to be a mediterranean dish consisting of fried balls of grain stuck togeather with water and olive oil. few people, however, understand that fahlahfel was actually made popular by the bastard children of 1960s hollywood caveman movie extras who were forced to eat cylindrical servings of fahlahfel on camera after weed-smoking, hippy directors thought that cave people surely must've found pterradactyl crap a delecasy. fortunately, after severl unsuccessful experiments with large deer, and other grain-eating animals, droppings, an agreement was reached between the association for caveman hollywood extras (ACHE) and the directors and doobie-smokers in pointless hollywood underfunded caveman cinema (DAD-PHUCC) in which the ACHE members would be allowed to design and cook their own droppings recipie on screen in exchange for the donation of any extra oregano to DAD-PHUCC's yearly bake-in. While fahlahfel can now be found in easy to make packaged from at most supper markets, few recipies compare to those first batches consumed on the set. The general flavor, however, remains the same. And, while refashioned as mediterranea (becuase, of course, most hollywood cavemen have big noses), this dish can still be enjoyed in the serenity of your own home just as if you yourself were the bastardized child of a real hollywood caveman movie extra.
Re: never a good postclimber_daveMay 31 2005, 10:00:51 UTC
i seriously am going to urinate on the casket of the next one of your relatives that dies. i would say it would be yours, but that is an abstract insult, and this is actually going to happen, hopefully in the next four hours or so, fuckface. fuck you. fucking steak bugs, bullshit.
Re: never a good postpublicrantJune 3 2005, 15:04:01 UTC
!!! ...? Strange, funny; yet hostile.
Why the eviction? I know I'm a little late here, but what can I say- I'm a slacker. Are you and Pete still going to live together? Have you come to blows yet?
Re: never a good postclimber_daveJune 3 2005, 17:20:11 UTC
the short answers to your questions would be the following: a) alcohol and getting in a fight with wooten at 3:30 am in the pool at my apt complex on a tuesday b) yes c) we have been kicking the shit out of each other for almost a decade, so yeah, but not in a bad way.
...? Strange, funny; yet hostile.
Why the eviction? I know I'm a little late here, but what can I say- I'm a slacker. Are you and Pete still going to live together? Have you come to blows yet?
a) alcohol and getting in a fight with wooten at 3:30 am in the pool at my apt complex on a tuesday
b) yes
c) we have been kicking the shit out of each other for almost a decade, so yeah, but not in a bad way.
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