Dec 13, 2004 15:39
so now i am sick, which is undoubtably a result of my not having drank enough recently. it is my firm belief that if you fill your body with a critical volume of poison, there is no way that germs can survive, and as poisons go, alcohol is just more fun than most. my plan was working fine, and then bam, i wake up today feeling like shit at 3pm. fortunately, this is my day off, and i have absolutely no obligations that i havent already slept through, so i am going to do the classic sick thing. i am going to lay around under blankets all day and watch movies, while periodically eating microwave quesadillas, soup, ramen and cups of cereal, and accomplish absolutely nothing. i actually have a cup full of cornflakes with the dried banana chips in a cup with milk working its way towards being soggy and good right now, at which point i will watch johnny mnemonic or very bad things or one of my other impulse buys from the used movie thing at hollywood video that will all surely prove to be fucking awful, but hopefully in an entertaining way. blade trinity would be a perfect example of this worst-movie-ever type of hilarity. so while you all are at your jobs or school or whatever, i will be chilling here doing absolutely nothing i guess being sick isnt that bad after all.