Tue, 18:55: RT @ RedIsDead: If you are worried about transphobes losing their jobs because of their bigotry, I will remind you that it's perfectly legal…
Tue, 18:56: RT @ KendraJames_: All these people commenting like, "oh he looks so nice!" or "oh just looking at him makes me feel safe" on various images…
Tue, 18:56: RT @ MarxistTwink: One of the worst things academia ever did was teach people that being biased or taking a side was inherently bad
Tue, 18:57: RT @ CateSpice: Just a reminder that the reporting of transphobes to their employers is decades-overdue karma for an entire generation of tr…
Tue, 18:59: RT @ sassycrass: Well. I guarantee somebody needs to hear this. If you manage chronic illness, it is okay to Not Get Shit Done. It is not a…
Tue, 18:59: RT @ ayyy_vuh: The overwhelming majority of trans people are working class. Treating us with dignity and respect is not a fucking burden to…
Tue, 18:59: RT @ WhatTheTrans: Would like to remind cis left-wing YouTube that Maya Forstater was not fired from her job for having an opinion. Her con…
Tue, 19:00: RT @ LauraKPeek: Fav part of watching Jeopardy is saying “I should be on Jeopardy” every time I correctly answer a $200 clue that happens to…
Tue, 19:02: RT @ a_busy_woman: i think its impressive to tweet something with 0 likes..... ur thought was original and unique and no one related to you
Tue, 19:04: RT @ LouisatheLast: This is adorable, but also, I would NEVER walk through that door
Tue, 19:04: RT @ CateSpice: There's a new J.K. Rowling story coming! I can't wait for her to retcon all the races and sexualities of the characters in…
Tue, 19:05: RT @ ZJemptv: Why is it a bad thing for women to want to be able to use women's spaces? The fact that you think such a basic and normal expe…
Tue, 19:06: RT @ ZJemptv: "Most people don't think trans women are women"? Most people don't think trans people are *people*.
Tue, 19:07: RT @ dominickevans: Stop making excuses for parents who kill their disabled children! There is no excuse for murdering your child. None. M…
Tue, 19:08: RT @ enbylu: I’m not about to let capitalism gaslight me into being a shitty person. You don’t think everyone deserves food, shelter, and dr…
Tue, 19:08: RT @ emilyjaneriddle: stop sharing graphic images of black and brown death! stop making memes out of these images! doing this just further p…
Tue, 19:08: RT @ ashleylynch: "Just let people be transphobic because making them suffer consequences for their bigotry will make the more transphobic"…
Tue, 19:09: RT @ KivanBay: Hey, I keep seeing people argue that we shouldn't get racists or terfs fired because they have the right to work and I think…
Tue, 19:17: RT @ dev_deets: Fire openly transphobic workers, managers, CEOs, I don't give a fuck. I don't care where they're doing the transphobia, beca…
Tue, 19:18: RT @ Ok2BeFat: It is normal for people to gain weight as they get older. This is a normal part of the aging process and it serves a protecti…
Tue, 19:18: RT @ Raphaelmorgans: Cis ppl rlly do think they have to make a point that they'd never date a trans person Bro, the only time a trans person…
Tue, 19:19: RT @ ihategender: Neurodivergent folks and people with chronic pain often have an unpredictable window of opportunity for being functional o…
Tue, 19:21: RT @ KaliHecate: White women like Amy Cooper are why many Black people and POC don’t trust WW. So, instead of complaining and crying “not al…
Tue, 19:23: RT @ __Shaniqua_: Imagine having the name Shaniqua that's been coopted for every negative stereotype associated with black women. It transla…
Tue, 20:27: RT @ tehlorkay: friendly reminder that JK Rowling is a terf and nostalgia for the stories of our childhood shouldn’t translate into financia…
Wed, 00:13: Has Tylenol ever worked for anyone ever? Serious question.