My tweets

May 25, 2020 12:00

  • Sun, 15:10: RT @ Tonya_Song: I hate the stereotype about Native people being hyperspiritual. This stereotype esp gets passed around in New Age groups wh…
  • Sun, 15:10: RT @ LeslieMac: If churches are essential businesses - that means they admit they are businesses and should be taxed accordingly. Thank you…
  • Sun, 17:25: RT @ outtathisbinary: cis people talking about being "afraid" of what might happen if they don't automatically use the correct pronouns you…
  • Sun, 17:26: RT @ kamijooji: men be like “yeah i‘ve been thinking about going to therapy for a long time :/“ and then don’t go ever and continue to wreak…
  • Sun, 17:27: RT @ pcbrynn: I will never understand how wearing a mask to save each other’s lives has become political.
  • Sun, 17:29: RT @ PearloLesbo: "kids can't make the decision to go on hormones" well then we should put all kids on puberty blockers right? If a trans ki…
  • Sun, 17:30: RT @ nhannahjones: We need a national day of mourning. This isn’t right.
  • Sun, 17:31: RT @ genderpunktheo: Dear cis people, It isn't hateful to say something is transphobic. We're not attacking you. I am tired of trying to…
  • Sun, 17:32: RT @ sannewman: I'm really getting sick of left-wing accounts telling people not to vote, often with some vague hand-waving at the "structur…
  • Sun, 17:37: RT @ PhilJamesson: horror movie character: the guy with the knife walked away. he left the room. he's not visibly in the vicinity. and i wan…


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