Sun, 15:11: RT @ coffeespoonie: Americans get such a boner for the idea of patriotism and sacrifice and then it’s like “hey here are some basic things y…
Sun, 15:12: RT @ ArsonistLesbian: idk who needs to hear this but non-binary is not a singular third gender it is a term for any gender identity that isn…
Sun, 15:15: RT @ QueerestComrade: trans men don’t owe you masculinity. trans women don’t owe you femininity. nonbinary people don’t owe you androgyny.
Sun, 15:16: RT @ ponettplus: hey, it's almost pride month. we're all exhausted because of the state of the world and spending too much time online. can…
Sun, 15:16: RT @ sineadactually: so does JK Rowling just exclusively follow anti-trans activists these days or what? here are her last 6 follows https:/…
Sun, 17:14: RT @ DailyLich: people who still use “XD” and “:3” are the cUTEST HUMANS ALIVE OKAY
Sun, 17:15: RT @ izzitmichaela: How to quickly adapt to someone's new pronouns: every time you mess up, mentally use their pronouns (preferably with com…
Sun, 17:15: RT @ gndrqr98: het passing privilege isn't a thing. erasure and invisibility aren't privileges. het passing privilege isn't a thing. erasure…
Sun, 17:19: RT @ shnupz: plural culture is watching ur friends be traumatised by gaslighting and be told they aren't real bc they aren't traumatised eno…
Sun, 17:20: RT @ KyleDodsonFunny: hey seniors, if you're really missing graduation sit in the sun wearing a shower curtain while someone reads from a ph…
Sun, 17:23: RT @ Dissonant_Sea: The fact that this is trending is another perfect example of the normalization of the abuse of disabled people everywher…
Sun, 17:24: RT @ lilykmakowski: @ Category_Fury People like to yell “trans rights” when it means “theoretically tolerate the existence of trans people” a…
Sun, 17:24: RT @ Imani_Barbarin: Fuck these people every last one of them should never be able to show their faces in public again.
Sun, 17:26: RT @ andover_gary: My son in law is an ER nurse. 12 of his coworkers have tested positive for the virus. He wears multiple layers of PPE his…
Sun, 17:26: RT @ mirielmargaret: I’m writing a condolence card. Gregory (5) asks what I’m doing. “I’m writing a note to say how sorry I am that my frien…
Sun, 17:27: RT @ GHMansfield: If disability rights and disability justice are not on your radar by now, you are oblivious or indifferent to ableism.
Sun, 17:28: RT @ findmereading: And listen, it’s pretty insidious. Most are not going around saying “white experiences are universal!!” They/we usually…
Sun, 17:29: RT @ findmereading: It’s our job, as white people, to do that work. We created (and consistently recreate!) the idea of white universality.…
Sun, 17:29: RT @ joseonfag: thinking about how tenōchtitlan had an extremely effective waste management system and built a sustainable model of urban ag…
Sun, 19:39: RT @ encouragingRD: your summer body is the one that quarantined to flatten the curve, the one that fed a community, the one on the frontlin…
Sun, 19:40: RT @ ShredyBettyMTB: Seriously, how is “TERF hires hitman to kill transgender woman” *not* front page news?!?
Sun, 19:41: RT @ feministgayry: bisexuality is not “half straight” and “half gay”, it’s bisexuality. Period
Sun, 19:42: RT @ settledownsoul: sorry i let a fictional character become important to me i didn’t do it on purpose
Sun, 19:47: RT @ flor_demaga: anyway white shouldnt be the Default Character Setting its not like theres two races white and "Pandering"