Jul 27, 2007 00:54
i feel that its only fair that i write this here since more than half of the entries here are about her in the first place. for startders im drunk on a thursday night so just bear with me. have you ever met someone in your life that just fucked you up by all acounts. like there are girls and then there is THE GIRL! the only girl that has that power over you. well there is one in my life and she returns with a fierce burning that makes my heart beat faster as the blood courses threw my veins stronger. i dont knwo how the hell she does it. but its just her smiling, her eyes, her gentle kisses on the side of my face. god fucking damn it. shes not even in my life i see her once a month and when i do see her it is oh sooo rare and unusual. but then there is that moment where i have to catch myself bc i feel myself falling for all of the same beautiful things in her that i see again. even though i know she doesn't feel the same way about me i know she only wants to be friends and hoestely thats all i want to be as well. i dunno i guess i just am hurt by seeing her make bad decisions and i want to sweetp in at teh rescue and show here the love she truly deserves! its like when i see her and we talk, we connect, we bond it takes everything i possible have to like restrain myself from just leaning in an kissing her firmly on the lips. and i see her making the same stupid mistakes and ithurts. and i know she doesn't feel teh same way about me but just for one moment, one monstrous second of the day, i drink the nostalgia up like the clearest spring water. im stupid and drunk just ignore whatever im trying to say.
i miss the days where you could buy things with your pocket change
i guess love is just pain and suffering and that one day you wake up and realize that love will always hurt but its why you do it because you love! its why i continue everyday because i love, its why when i see her my eyes light up and my heart beats faster, love.....
le sigh