May 17, 2006 01:26
i dont know what it is but there is something in the rush that can only be experienced when you know you can touch the ground going 70 miles an hour. I really like my motorcycle. It's like now i am officially part of every club i ever wanted to belong to, as tim so eloquently put it. I enjoy the looks i get from old ladies cursing me for my arrogance, and the admiration of you little boys dreaming of a future like mine. Other than al lof this, my life is amazing. I have surgically removed the dead weight that held me to this earth so that i may fly.
I think its funny, we hold onto past relationships because we idolize every single detail about them. We put people on platforms high above us, when if we but only stop and breathe we see the true nature of humans. We see that our relationships were but a sham, washable colors on a blank canvas. You finally realize that you put in 150 percent when others put in none. So i challenge you, stop, think, breathe and see what your relationships are really made of. The truth might scare you, or even sadden you. For in the truth, you might find the true meaning of love
<3 clif