Oct 17, 2005 21:13
ok so I'm signed up to go to India for 10 days through a program in school* and it costs $2900.. i've come up with $1600 of it just by working over the summer.. and my parents won't help with it at all because well, they can't.. and i don't expect them to.. but hockey season has started and i'm eventually trying out for my high school boys team which would put me on two teams leaving no time to work... so either i would be in debt and have to pay my parents back by working over the summer before i leave for college/work while at college and send them checks... or not go to india and have $1600 and perhaps buy a plane ticket to Sweden to visit my friend Emilia for a short period of time during summer before I go to college or buy a car
*through this program, 26 students from my school including myself with 9 adults fly into New Delhi on April 11th. summary of trip: taj mahal, agra, other sites to see. then we fly to southern India (Chennai) and stay with families in the India Rotary club and have a humanitarian project that we do for 5 days, and then we come home
also, if i go to india there's no chance I'm getting a car before i go to college because a) my parents will never ever buy me one which i don't expect them to b) I would be busy paying them the $1500 for the trip and not saving up for a car
input? please?