
Sep 18, 2004 16:55

The Ultimate Politics Survey

Describe your stance on:

Abortion: Pro Choice with its certain stipulations

Affirmative Action: It used to be good, but now it screws most everything up

Age of Consent: 16

Animal Testing: For it. If we didn't have animal testing, then no pennicillin

Death Penalty: For it. But not the Texas / Alabama statutes where you are guilty until proven innocent

Downloading Music/Movies: Against it. Go buy your own shit.

Drug Decriminalization: Against it. Busting people for drugs keeps more police off the streets for abusing the traffic legislation

Factory Farming: whatever

Free Trade: No.

Funding of Arts: No.

Gay Marriage: It's alright.

Gun Control: Need gun control. I hate rednecks who abuse our countries laws just to have something to masturbate to while eating PB and reading shotgun weekly

Immigration: Against it. Sure, we were built on it. But enough is enough

Hardcore Pornography: Fuckin perverts. It should be ridden of, because we wouldnt have as many perverts crawling these streets

Human Cloning: no. Because cloning means creating a mind, and a mind is always unpredictable

Miltary Draft: For it. If I was served to be in the marines, even if I had the life I have now, I would do it.

Minimum Wage: For it. We need minimum wages to protect the minimum wage grabbing people.

Prostitution: Against it. I would never promote pimps and violent crimes on the streets

School Vouchers: For it

Taxes: For it. It's better to have taxes than to have chaos. Howevertax relief on the wealthy is shit. Make it uniform.

United Nations: For it. As long as it doesnt keep acting like it is now... US+GB = UN

Universal Health Care: No. Health Care should be restircted to those who work or are truly unable to work.

War on Terrorism: It is good, but we are going in the wrong direction.

Welfare: Welfare does not mean unemployment and disability relief and vice versa. I am against welfare. Get a job.

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