May 05, 2004 15:42
Wow. Long time no see. How you doin, stranger?
Well, Carroll is all done and most of my homies went back home. I turned in final grades today. And yes, I had to flunk a graduating senior. I feel kind of bad about it, but then I realize that I gave that student a chance for 100 extra credit points, and also a take-home final, in which the student nailed a nice 40 out of 150. Go figure. So better luck next year to that student.
However, UWM is far from over. Between having to take my classes and teach, the next 2 weeks are going to be a violent ride. But I think I will survive. I'm still hoping that I passed my first of two master's graduation exams.
Then after that is all done, I will get a nice lull of about 2 weeks before I have to start up again. I think I am planning on going to California around the 23rd or so, but I can't find anyone who wants to go. I think it would be fun, but if I don;t go then, I won't be able to go all summer (Or until the last week of August.) So we'll see.