May 10, 2004 05:34
What a thunder storm we had tonight. It was something else. Wish I had a camera cause some of the lightning was downright awesome. My grandmother used to tell me when I was little that thunder was angels bowling and lightning was angels using flashlights. I asked her what rain meant and she said that's an angel taking a shower. lol Cute story. I loved my gramma. Sweet lady. Her first name was Olive. I used to think she was married to Popeye. She died a few years back of a stroke. Sometimes I wish I still had her around to talk to. My other Grandmother Fay is still around. She's very hard of hearing so it's difficult at times to talk to her. Like for example. She asked me how me and my girlfriend were doing. I said "We broke up Gramma." She said oh that's good to hear your getting along so well. Ugh. It's a tad discouraging at times but I love her. I've never met either of my grandfathers. My dad's father died six weeks before he was even born. My mom's father...well my mom hated him. He died of cancer a couple years ago. I guess I met him when I was like two but of course I can't remember. Oh well. From what mom told me he was a real creep. I saw their making a sequel to Anaconda adequately named Anacondas. I thought the first one was stupid. on the plus side Kari Wuhrer was in it. She's very pretty. God...I bought the first five seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I've only watched the first two. That's a lot of watching ahead of me. Guess I have no motivation since I always watched them with Cindy. Then I have the first three seasons of Angel to watch. lol Maybe someday when I get my place. I went out to a bar Saturday night. Fast Eddie's in Carlisle. Boy that place was hopping. I haven't seen that many pretty girls in a long time. lol I think I drank too much. Way too much. Well that's it from the world of Cliff right now. Stay tuned for more. Lata.