Character Sheet: Cliff Barnes

Dec 15, 2010 20:24

Character Basics

Name: Clifford Edward Barnes (I swear all Dallas references were entirely unintentional on my part! Though really funny, considering....)
Nicknames: Cliff. Don't even think about calling him Clifford.
Age: 33
Birthday: June 7, 1977
Where were they born?: Charlotte, NC, though he moved away when he was too young to remember it
Where do they live now?: Bedford
Education: Bachelor's in Information Technology, Business minor
Current Occupation: Technology Specialist (i.e. IT lackey) for a large company (TBD - potential character connection)


PB: Channing Tatum
Height: 6'
Weight 190 lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Face & Complexion: Pale skin from too many days indoors, average complexion
Build: Muscular without looking too bulky
Defining Marks: A couple of scars from fights in his youth, but nothing extremely obvious.
Dress Style: Business casual for work, otherwise it's simple, comfortable clothes. Jeans, t-shirts, the occasional button-up. He likes it all as uncomplicated as possible, but since he doesn't like looking out of place, he does take some pains to be as "normal" looking as possible.
Possessions always on this person: Car keys, wallet (which holds a picture of his sister and a picture of his god-daughter)
Manner of Speech: Not talking at all if he can avoid it. When he does speak, his voice is intentionally soft unless angered. The latter is something you don't want to see.
Manner of Movement: Leisurely, as if getting from place to place makes no difference to him. This is only different when playing with his god-daughter, and that's when he uses up those stores of energy.


Parents: Michael and Carol Barnes (mother is deceased)
Sibling(s): Jess (deceased)
Children: None
Family History: [Note: If there's a character who might fit the history, I'd be very willing to substitute Joel for someone else!]

Cliff grew up in a middle class suburban home with loving parents and a sister five years his elder. He did pretty well in school--though nowhere near as well as his sister the genius--and he met his best friend, Joel, in fifth grade. Their lives were near mirrors, right down to older siblings who seemed to be too good to be true, and got all the attention because of it. They've been almost literally inseparable ever since. Joel is the sort who's a natural at making friends, and Cliff, the quieter of the two, has always been happy to just go with the flow. Joel's friends are his friends, though he's never felt like he needed a large group surrounding him. He was perfectly content with what he had.

That idyllic sort of life ended when Cliff had just turned thirteen. His sister was getting ready to graduate, was going off to some fancy college in another state, and he was looking forward to having a break from her. On prom night, Jess and their mother had a huge argument over curfew, and Jess stormed out with her boyfriend, speeding off in his car. Cliff actually laughed at the incident, feeling gleeful that his too-perfect sister was finally going to get into some real trouble. That was, until she didn't return home that night. His parents waited, thinking that she'd camped at a friend's house in anger, but when they hadn't reached anyone who knew her whereabouts by early afternoon, they called the police.

Jess and her boyfriend had encountered a drunk driver on a little-traveled road outside town and were killed instantly in the collision. The kicker? Police estimated the time of death at just before midnight--when they were likely speeding home to make her curfew after all.

Carol fell into a crippling depression that kept her in bed most days. Michael, Cliff's typically jovial father, spent more and more time at work and away from the family, and when he was home he was planted in front of the TV, often with a beer or three emptied next to him. Despite having spent most of his young life resenting his sister for being the center of attention, Cliff now turned to resenting his parents for their reactions. Did they think they were the only ones who missed her? His naturally quiet nature turned sullen and angry. By the time eighth grade rolled around, he was more likely to lash out at someone who annoyed him than to walk away. He subconsciously sought fights, needing that release of anguish that he wasn't getting from talking.

The anger issues continued through his teen years. Joel was the only person who could ever seem to talk him down, the only one with whom he never fought. Joel was his guardian angel, or would have been, if Cliff believed in such things. It wasn't until college that he admitted himself into therapy, begging his mom to come along. She refused, but he plowed forward. Having a goal felt nice.

Cliff seemed to get better. His mom succumbed to her pain and committed suicide just after he turned twenty-one. Carol's death was the thing that seemed to jar Michael out of his stupor, and he also began to seek counseling. He and his father are not particularly close now, but they've repaired a lot of the damage in the years since, and they have a pretty good relationship.

Health & Psychology

Physical Health: Very good
Extrovert/Introvert: Introvert
Phobias/Fears: Getting angry enough that he hurts someone he loves. So far, this hasn't ever happened.
Mental Health: Better than it used to be. He still goes to regular counseling to manage both the issues that cause his angry outbursts and the shame that always follows them.
Any Disabilities/Handicaps: None


Goals/Dreams: Currently, it's to keep his temper under control and watch his god-daughter grow up. He doesn't dare dream more than that.
Quirks/Habits: Rarely speaks unless he's spoken to, especially with strangers.
Likes: Spending time at his best friend's house, American beer, working out, football, driving fast
Dislikes: His job, liars and cheaters, being social with people he doesn't know, wearing a tie
Hobbies: Wood carving, rebuilding cars (he doesn't have one that he tinkers with other than out of necessity, but he'd like to)
First Impression: Quiet, polite, unassuming
Philosophy of Life: If something can go wrong, it will.
Phrases they use often: [I guess we'll see!]

Romantic/ Sexual

Marital Status: Single
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual
Ever had sex: Yes
Believe in casual sex: In theory, yes. In practice, no. Cliff doesn't tend to let people close quickly enough for there to be anything casual about it.
Turn ons: Intelligence, blondes, someone who can listen as well as she talks, well-fitted jeans on well-formed hips
Turn offs: Shallowness, big hair, women with no curves, incessant talking
Past Relationships: Leah [can sub a played character, with history adjustments as needed]. They dated for four years, were engaged for one. It was broken off when Cliff found out she was cheating on him in April 2010.
Current Relationship: None
General: He's calmed down a lot since the nasty break-up, but he's still angry about it.
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