Goin' great...

Mar 22, 2004 01:15

Hey its been a while since ive posted hasn't it? Funny how time goes by faster if you don't constantly worry about things. I only wish that someday everyone can know what this feels like....you know, being worry-free. PJ's is out of my mind completely. Therefore no job-related stress. And as far as Home Depot goes, I am completely and utterly happy there. I honestly think ..no, I KNOW this is the first time i've actually liked a job. Shit I LOVE this job. Yeah its hard work...so what? The benefits alone are worth it. Not to mention a fat paycheck. And all I gotta do technically is NOT piss off customers. Now I know you guys have been to Home Depot at least once in your life, it is EXTREMELY easy not to piss customers off here. Unlike PJs, the customers there know what they want, and if they dont, they actually listen to what you have to say instead of blowing you off like an idiot... I have to say it again..I LOVE THIS JOB! I like the people i work with and I like the store I work at, and my bosses are the coolest people. My trainer, Dave, taught me how to make free money with my 401(k). Its awesome...nothing is taken out of my pocket, yet every 2 weeks I get an extra 34 or 35 dollars to put toward my 401. If thats not the most badass thing, I dont know what is. If your a friend and want to know how this works just call or Email me at wcmans4@hotmail.com

Well on to other aspects of my life. My ears (thanks to Tiffs efforts) have now been stretched 2 sizes from 8 gage to 4 gage. I plan on going to 00g and stopping. After that you need a ruler to measure how big your holes are and I believe thats a little too big for me.
I'm looking to buy a guitar now, and I know which one I want. A Washburn DimeV Special. Its the most badass looking thing i've seen. Its a Flying-V designed axe with a camo finish...thats right its fuckin' camo..HOW BADASS IS THAT?!!
I want it now but I think I have to wait for my 21st B-Day in Aug. You hear that guys? That was a gift idea. (Dont worry now that I have this job, I can get you guys some great stuff too....Matt your next right there with Tiff)
At the end of this month I get my tax return...around $800. I plan on giving the mother 500 of this and then getting a tattoo and putting the rest toward savings. Im also going to be opening an IRA within the month as well. Thats right its time to get my life together...I swear God, you fuck this up for me and im gonna pop you so hard when I see you, all of Mankind is gonna feel it. You're doing a great job so far making up for all your bullshit, but you got a long way to go. I dont just want justification for my life but for everyone else too. Thats right Shit-for-Brains I know I'm not the only one who feels the sting of your ignorance and your all out stupidity. But like I said...great job so far. Keep up with this and I might think about changing my mind about the whole First Baptist Burning Session ive been planning.....
Ok, thats about it from me for now. I'm outtie 5000, yo! Peace.
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