Too early.....

Mar 09, 2004 07:51

Hey guys,
You know its a bit too early in the morning for me to be getting crazy-ass news like this. I found out officially whats wrong with old-faithful. I call it that because theres 2 things you can always count on with that damn car:
1. It WILL break.
2. It Will be expensive to fix.

Anyway I found out that due to my recent underwater adventure, the car (which will be referred to as "sharkbait") has broken a rod. To those of you who dont know what that is or what that means for a car(Matt) ill explain. Better yet ill explain in Mattlish:
You know that thingy that makes your piston(round cylindrical object) go up and down? It went bye-bye. Its gonna cost me roughly $3000. But the good news is, its gonna be a brand new motor wit 0(zero) miles on it and a warranty from Nissan. Better than buying a new car if I may say so myself, considering how much of a good condition the rest of the car is in. :)
And to change the subject off of my problems (and gains) for a moment, I'd like to extend my deepest love to Tiff, who by far is having the worst time of all of us. I had a lengthy conversation with her last night about life in general, and shes really down and out. She feels shes hit rock bottom. I told her that she hasnt because she still has friends and family that love her dearly and Id appreciate it if all you guys would show her that there is truth in what i said. And on that note I'm glad to see that her and Toby seem to be getting along. Keep it up guys, it only gets better. :)
Well guys I gotta go to work. (Opening is crap) Btw....the address for the Super-Hero Quiz is Go to where it says "Quizzes" on the bottom of the screen.
Later guys I'm out. Peace.
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