(no subject)

Aug 14, 2006 03:58

Well my vacation starts in a couple days and I wish I could say I were a little more excited about it.

Today I almost killed someone, or, I have never wanted to so badly in my life. Anthony's fiance, Cassidy Bitch, is a selfish, narrow-minded, cunt faced skank who needs to piss off and stay the hell away from me. Such a shame she's a part of my vacation. I hate her. She has everything she wants and nothing she doesn't. No job, no nothing. Anyhoo, the reason I almost killed her today is this... Adam has one pair of sunglasses that the whore can't seem to keep her fucking hands off of. Every time he forgets and leaves them at his parents house (where she stays with his brother) she takes them. Adam has looked her in the eyes and told her not to take them several times but she still steals them. Today we were over there and he was looking for them, after five minutes he realized that they had been taken again by Cassidy Bitch. After awhile she shows up and Adam asks her politely if he could have them back. After the 4th time he asked he finally followed her to her car and got them back. Later Luca was cleaning Adam's lenses with his shirt because they were really dirty and Cassidy Bitch smarts off "Adam's precious sun-glasses" with the nastiest look on her face.

I could have slit her throat.

And she's going on MY vacation.

sharkbaitsharkbaitsharkbait!!!!!!!! >=[ >=[!!!!!
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