Challenges, Rules and Guidelines

Jan 04, 2008 00:40

So, here's how it all works. Please make sure you read these before you start posting. It'll soon become pretty clear if you haven't!


Every month, there will be a theme or challenge set.

1. The challenges are not compulsory. You can post any photo on any topic at any time, challenge-related or not.

2. The point of the challenges is to give you a focus for your photos and to make you think creatively or, at least, differently. Feel free to post your photos 'in progress' for feedback throughout the month and to 'revisit' those photos with the feedback in mind, whether it be tweaking via a graphics program or retaking the photo from scratch. The point is to experiment, to try new things, or just to improve!

3. During the last week of the challenge, a "final photo post" will be opened up. You can submit up to three suitably themed photos to this post. On the first day of the next month, these photos will be put forward in a vote for "most improved photo", "most improved photographer" and "best overall photo".

4.You do not have to submit to the competitive section of the challenge.


  • post no more than two photos outside an lj cut
  • post anything NSFW behind an lj cut
  • give as much information about your photos as you can, to enable the sort of feedback you're looking for
  • be prepared for criticism as well as praise
  • be constructive in your feedback
  • interact with each other - don't just post your photos and run

  • DON'T:

  • post anything too massive - it's hard to look at a photo constructively when half of it is beyond the scrollbar. Try to go for around 600px at the widest point of your photo (though anything slightly bigger is likely going to be fine)
  • use fake lj cuts
  • disable comments on your entry
  • be rude, or unhelpful, in your feedback
  • post off-topic or advertise without checking it's okay first
  • steal bandwidth or photos from other people (i.e. make sure what you're posting was taken by you and is hosted on your own webspace!)
  • guidelines, rules, mod post, challenges

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